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Essai de voiture 10

1.Before making a left turn, a driver should

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Essai de voiture 10

2.To maintain proper road (lane) position and to steer your vehicle in smooth line, you should

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Essai de voiture 10

3.You are driving in the LEFT lane of a DIVIDED highway. You see an emergency vehicle with lights flashing in your rear view mirror. You should

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Essai de voiture 10

4.Seat belts are most effective in preventing injury when

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Essai de voiture 10

5.Car B arrived at the stop sign first. Who should go first?

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Essai de voiture 10

6.If you are going into a curve at high speed, why is taking your foot off the accelerator a good idea before the curve?

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Essai de voiture 10

7.One danger of driving too close to the car in front of you is

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Essai de voiture 10

8.Which car does NOT have an escape route if a problem occurs ahead?

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Essai de voiture 10

9.You see ahead of you that a traffic light has been green for a long time. What should you do?

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Essai de voiture 10

10.You're driving at the speed limit in the left lane of an 80km/h multi-lane highway. A car approaches from behind. You must:

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Essai de voiture 10

11.What signal at an intersection would be treated the same as a stop sign?

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Essai de voiture 10

12.Which of the following is NOT likely to contribute to a vehicle skidding?

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Essai de voiture 10

13.This car may

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Essai de voiture 10

14.A driver should not change lanes

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Essai de voiture 10

15.When approaching stopped emergency vehicles displaying flashing lights you must

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Essai de voiture 10

16.While operating a vehicle, if you have your learner’s (L) or novice licence (N) are you allowed to use hands free ‘voice to text’ on your phone while driving?

Correcte! Faux!

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Essai de voiture 10

17.Which of the following would not qualify as an emergency call that I can make while driving?

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Essai de voiture 10

18.Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit OUTSIDE of cities and towns is

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Essai de voiture 10

19.If you don't know what other drivers are going to do,

Correcte! Faux!

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Essai de voiture 10


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Essai de voiture 10

21.As a Class 7 L or N driver, I am allowed to use my hands free device while driving…

Correcte! Faux!

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Essai de voiture 10

22.If you see pedestrians at the side of the road and wanting to jaywalk you should

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Essai de voiture 10

23.If you feel sleepy while driving you should,

Correcte! Faux!

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Essai de voiture 10

24.You're driving 90km/h in the left lane of a multi-lane highway in a rural area. Must you move over to the right?

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Essai de voiture 10

25.What are these cyclists signaling to do?

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Essai de voiture 10

26.Hand signals

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Essai de voiture 10

27.When driving in bad weather, you should make your vehicle easier for others to see by

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Essai de voiture 10

28.Pedestrians with a white cane should be treated with extra care because

Correcte! Faux!

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Essai de voiture 10

29.Before you pull out to pass, you should

Correcte! Faux!

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Essai de voiture 10

30.Inertia is

Correcte! Faux!

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Essai de voiture 10

31.If two vehicles arrive at a 4-way stop intersection at the same time and are facing each other

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Essai de voiture 10

32.If you are in the Graduated Licensing Program (GLP), are you allowed to use a GPS navigation device while driving?

Correcte! Faux!

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Essai de voiture 10

33.Letting up on the brake just before hitting a large animal that you can't avoid

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Essai de voiture 10

34.Space margins include being able to quickly move into another lane to avoid hazards. Which vehicle does NOT have a space margin to change lanes?

Correcte! Faux!

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Essai de voiture 10

35.Pedestrians and cyclists are most at risk from vehicles because

Correcte! Faux!

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Essai de voiture 10

36.If you are behind a large vehicle or a motorcycle on a high speed road, your following distance should be at LEAST

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Essai de voiture 10

37.If your vehicle breaks down on a busy highway you should NOT

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Essai de voiture 10

38.It is illegal to exceed the posted speed limit

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Essai de voiture 10

39.In heavy traffic, how can you help a cyclist who may want to change lanes and turn left at an intersection?

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Essai de voiture 10

40.Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) are different from regular brakes. Emergency braking with ABS involves

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