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Truck Test 3

1.The brake pressure gauge tells you what?

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Truck Test 3

2.When can the trailer handbrake be used as a parking brake?

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Truck Test 3

3.When you press the brake pedal in an air brake vehicle, what does it do?

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Truck Test 3

4.Which reservoir receives air directly from a compressor?

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Truck Test 3

5.Reservoirs need to be bled…?

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Truck Test 3

6.The low air pressure indicator will always come on if the pressure drops below what level?

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Truck Test 3

7.You will not find spring brake actuators on…?

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Truck Test 3

8.When air is forced into the brake chamber, it acts directly on what?

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Truck Test 3

9.What colour is the trailer air supply knob?

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Truck Test 3

10.What is the handbrake used for?

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Truck Test 3

11.Brake linings lose all effectiveness at temperatures over…?

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Truck Test 3

12.In a braking sequence, after the driver presses down on the brake pedal, what happens?

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Truck Test 3

13.What is the big advantage that air brake systems have over hydraulic braking systems?

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Truck Test 3

14.Heavy vehicles have a minimum of how many compressed air reservoirs?

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Truck Test 3

15.If your vehicle has an air purifier, you should still bleed the supply reservoir how often?

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Truck Test 3

16.When checking brake adjustment, the air pressure gauge must read over what?

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Truck Test 3

17.If the weight of your load doubles the weight of your vehicle, the stopping distance for the same brake pressure will be…?

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Truck Test 3

18.You're travelling at 90 km an hour and your brake system has a lag of half a second. How far will your vehicle travel in the time between you pressing the brake pedal and the brakes engaging?

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Truck Test 3

19.When the brakes are on, the angle between the slack adjuster and the pushrod should be what?

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Truck Test 3

20.In a manual transmission vehicle, the brakes should be checked with the transmission in what gear?

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Truck Test 3

21.When using anti-lock brakes, you have to get used to…?

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Truck Test 3

22.When unloaded, a vehicle can stop in 20 m from 20 km/h. If the weight of the vehicle is doubled, how far will it need to stop from 40 km/h with the same brake pressure?

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Truck Test 3

23.The emergency brake will come on automatically when the air pressure in the service brake system drops below…?

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Truck Test 3

24.When adjusting brakes, the vehicle should…?

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Truck Test 3

25.Which of these factors influence braking performance?

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Truck Test 3

26.Hydrodynamic retarders work using what?

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Truck Test 3

27.The emergency brakes can be activated by doing what?

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Truck Test 3

28.When checking brake adjustments, you should check…?

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Truck Test 3

29.Brake fade is caused by what?

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Truck Test 3

30.Which of these lessens the effect of brake lag?

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Truck Test 3

31.Retarders and engine brakes will not work until…?

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Truck Test 3

32.Which of these can cause a drop in air pressure?

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Truck Test 3

33.If your brakes have automatic slack adjusters, they have to be checked…?

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Truck Test 3

34.Compared to hydraulic brakes, air brakes react…?

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Truck Test 3

35.Supplemental brakes always work on which wheels?

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Truck Test 3

36.To keep brake hose couplers clean when not in use, they can be hooked up to dummy couplers or…?

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Truck Test 3

37.If an air compressor begins filling the service reservoirs when their pressure drops below 105 psi, it will stop filling them when they reach what level?

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Truck Test 3

38.Brakes need adjusting if the pushrod travel is more than what?

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Truck Test 3

39.The air pressure gauge tells you what?

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Truck Test 3

40.Air brakes are now fitted on almost all vehicles weighing over…?

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Truck Test 3

41.The air compressor will only work if…?

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Truck Test 3

42.Spring brakes are used for what?

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Truck Test 3

43.When connecting brake hose couplers, they should be held together at…?

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Truck Test 3

44.In which of the below scenarios would a driver not be permitted to extend his or her hours of driving time?

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Truck Test 3

45.If a driver elects to drive for 15 hours in one shift and defer two hours of off-duty time to the next day and, what is the maximum number of hours he or she can drive the next day?

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