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Car Test 4

1.In NL, the speed limit on gravel roads is _______ except where otherwise signed.

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Car Test 4

2.If you start to feel drowsy, what should you do?

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Car Test 4

3.When parking your vehicle facing uphill next to a curb, you should turn the front wheels

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Car Test 4

4.When entering a divided highway, you should

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Car Test 4

5.In NL, you are not allowed to carry _______ in a house or boat trailer while it is being towed.

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Car Test 4

6.You're driving on a divided highway. If you miss your exit, what should you do?

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Car Test 4

7.If your wheels lock while you're braking on a slippery surface and your vehicle is NOT equipped with antilock brakes (ABS), what should you do?

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Car Test 4

8.If you experience a tire blowout, you should NOT

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Car Test 4

9.When parking your vehicle facing downhill next to a curb, you should turn the front wheels

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Car Test 4

10.You should double your usual following distance when

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Car Test 4

11.If your vehicle breaks down, you should NOT

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Car Test 4

12.Underinflated tires are a common cause of

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Car Test 4

13.When driving at night, you should

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Car Test 4

14.The Newfoundland and Labrador Road Users Guide recommends that you maintain a following distance of at least ________ while driving under ideal conditions.

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Car Test 4

15.A solid yellow line to your left means that

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Car Test 4

16.In NL, you may not park within _____ of a railway crossing.

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Car Test 4

17.At night, you should use low beams

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Car Test 4

18.If you are approaching a stop sign, you must

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Car Test 4

19.Which of the following statements about seat belts is true?

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Car Test 4

20.In NL, are you allowed to double park?

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Car Test 4

21.If you were just involved in an accident in which no one was injured, what information must you exchange with the other drivers?

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Car Test 4

22.If you wish to slow down or stop but your brake-operated signals are not working, you should signal by

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Car Test 4

23.You must not park within ____ of the entrance to a public building.

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Car Test 4

24.If you must park on a highway, make sure that your vehicle is visible from a distance of ____ in either direction.

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Car Test 4

25.Areas of the road that you cannot see in your mirrors are called

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Car Test 4

26.You could receive 2 demerit points if you:

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Car Test 4

27.What does the law state about seatbelts and children 9-18 kg (20-40lbs)?

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Car Test 4

28.How much room do cyclists require on either side of themselves as an adequate safety zone?

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Car Test 4

29.At an intersection with a stop sign, where do you stop your vehicle if there is no stop line, sidewalk or crosswalk?

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Car Test 4

30.It is illegal to not stop behind a stopped school bus with flashing lights. If you do not stop what can happen?

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Car Test 4

31.Which of the following statements is false?

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Car Test 4

32.If another vehicle is passing you, what must you do?

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Car Test 4

33.What keeps the air in the tanks if the air compressor develops a leak?

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Car Test 4

34.If you are convicted of drinking and driving for the first time, your license will be suspended for:

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Car Test 4

35.When backing up, you should:

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Car Test 4

36.What vehicle has a flashing blue light?

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Car Test 4

37.How far away must headlights and rear lights be seen?

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Car Test 4

38.When do you stop for school buses if there is a median?

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Car Test 4

39.What are the seat belt rules for infants less than 9 kg (20 lbs)?

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Car Test 4

40.What is the min number of passengers that the HOV or High Occupancy Vehicle lanes are reserved?

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Car Test 4

41.Under what conditions are you allowed to pass another vehicle on the right?

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Car Test 4

42.In a roundabout, who has the right-of-way?

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Car Test 4

43.Who has the right-of-way if two vehicles come to an uncontrolled intersection at the same time?

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Car Test 4

44.What are you required to do when changing lanes?

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Car Test 4

45.When you enter a freeway, what should you do?

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  • Passing Score 80%

The Easy to Pass Newfoundland Learners Permit Practice Test for Your NL Permit Test

To pass your NL permit test, you need to score 80% or above by answering at least 34 correct answers out of 40 questions. This will only be easy if you have enough preparation and study. With our practice tests, your test preparation can be more exciting and engaging by practicing with real exam-like questions and assessing yourself. Our tests are available in three different categories: Car practice test, Bike practice test, and Truck practice test. We provide specific questions required to pass each category of the license.

Authentic Tests. Aligns with the Official Driver’s Manual

Our NL practice test questions are prepared from the content based on the Newfoundland and Labrador driver’s manual. This allows learners to take questions similar to the official test, which follows the content of the handbook. We regularly update the questions to align with the relevant and current traffic laws in the state. This helps you stay on track with the practices and confidently attend the actual test, knowing all the recently updated rules and regulations.

Experience Flexible Learning with Effective Results

Test takers can attempt our mock tests as many times as they need. It is an easy to pass Newfoundland learners permit practice test where you take the test, evaluate the score, get feedback, and retake to practice. More the practice, higher the results. Therefore, our tests are available for unlimited access to help you get thorough in all the topics and gain more confidence to sit for the official NL permit test.

Premium with Easy to Pass Newfoundland Learners Permit Practice Test

Start practicing with our free tests, which give you immediate feedback indicating right and wrong answers to improve after each attempt. If you are still stuck in the preparation and need more help, it’s time to go premium, which is available for 30 days and 90 days. Our premium features include access to larger question sets, in-depth study materials, performance tracking, personalized recommendations, and an ad-free learning experience.

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900+ Exam-Like Questions

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Start your exam preparation with our NL drivers permit practice tests. Enhance your knowledge and boost your confidence to achieve optimal results.