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Motorcycle Test 1

Motorcycle Test 1

1.Where would you usually find the engine emergency cut-off switch on your motorcycle?

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Motorcycle Test 1

2.In normal riding, the ball of your right hand should be where, in relation to the throttle?

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Motorcycle Test 1

3.Holders of learner or probationary licenses in Quebec are not permitted to ride with a blood-alcohol concentration of more than...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

4.When you come to a stop, you should be in which gear?

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Motorcycle Test 1

5.What percentage of your braking capacity is provided by your front brake?

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Motorcycle Test 1

6.What do you use to operate the horn on the normal motorcycle?

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Motorcycle Test 1

7.The front brake lever on your motorcycle should be operated with...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

8.You should release the clutch when changing gear...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

9.A tachometer on your motorcycle will show...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

10.What part of your feet should rest on the footrests as you ride?

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Motorcycle Test 1

11.When you make a turn on a motorcycle, what does centrifugal force do?

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Motorcycle Test 1

12.If a new driver accumulates four demerit points during the learner license period, how long will that license be suspended for (minimum)?

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Motorcycle Test 1

13.When pushing your motorcycle with the engine off, you should stand...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

14.When you're starting to learn to ride a motorcycle, the best way to become competent is...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

15.When you are taking a curve, you should be focused on...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

16.When making a turn at speeds below 25 kmh, you should lean...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

17.As you ride, your knees should be...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

18.As you put your transmission into higher gear, you should release your clutch...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

19.As you go through a sharp slow turn, you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

20.To negotiate a right-hand curve at speeds of more than 25 km/h, you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

21.Not allowing your motorcycle to warm up properly before you head out risks...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

22.Skipping a gear when downshifting risks...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

23.For how long must a person hold a Quebec Class 6A motorcycle license before taking a test for a full license?

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Motorcycle Test 1

24.You're travelling at 50 km/h and need to slow down in a nonemergency situation. What's the first thing to do?

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Motorcycle Test 1

25.The choke on a motorcycle is used for what?

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Motorcycle Test 1

26.On a normal five gear transmission, you will find neutral where?

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Motorcycle Test 1

27.When you're passing another vehicle, you shift from 3rd to 5th gear, missing out 4th. What effect will this have on the time it takes you to pass?

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Motorcycle Test 1

28.When pushing your motorcycle you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

29.Where should you be looking when riding in a straight line?

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Motorcycle Test 1

30.If you have to brake in a curve, your braking distance will be...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

31.If your motorcycle starts hydroplane, you should avoid...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

32.There is an obstacle ahead that you're going to have to swerve round. As you approach it, you should be looking...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

33.Before you reach the entrance of a high-speed curve, you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

34.An automobile in front of you passes a road sign. As soon as the rear bumper is clear of the sign, you should not arrive there for at least...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

35.In which of these situations should you use your turn signals?

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Motorcycle Test 1

36.If your engine temperature indicator goes into the 'H' zone or the oil pressure indicator lamp comes on, you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

37.If your motorcycle does start to wobble, what should you do with the handlebars?

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Motorcycle Test 1

38.If your visibility is impaired or road conditions are bad, you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

39.When scanning for hazards as you ride, you should be looking by...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

40.Your safety margin to the rear should be what percentage of your safety margin to your front?

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Motorcycle Test 1

41.If you have to get off onto the shoulder, before you exit the roadway you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

42.Your mirrors should be positioned so that you can see...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

43.You are forced to drive over a tree branch. Just before you hit it, you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

44.If your throttle sticks and it is safe to do so, you can try to release it by...?

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Motorcycle Test 1

45.In which of these circumstances should you reduce your speed?

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