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Car Test 5

1.What should you do if you are facing a red light but a police officer instructs traffic to drive through the intersection?

Correct! Wrong!

The instructions of a police officer who is directing traffic must always be followed.


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Car Test 5

2.When are you required to wear a seatbelt?

Correct! Wrong!

Drivers will receive a fine and demerit points for not wearing a seatbelt. Drivers must ensure all passengers, under the age of 16 are properly buckled up. Unbuckled passengers 16 years and older can be fined.


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Car Test 5

3.What kind of challenges do large commercial vehicles have that can be dangerous to other drivers?

Correct! Wrong!

Always be aware of what commercial vehicles can and cannot do. Be sure to always leave enough road space between your vehicle and commercial vehicles.


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Car Test 5

4.If a police officer signals you to pull over, what are you required to do?

Correct! Wrong!

If a police officer signals you to pull over while driving, you must pull over as far to the right of the road as you safely can and bring your vehicle to a complete stop. Remain in your vehicle and wait for the police officer to approach.


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Car Test 5

5.If you are towing a trailer that is 2.05 m wide or less, what is it required to have?

Correct! Wrong!

Ensure your trailer has the proper lights and reflectors. Requirements vary depending on trailer width. Never carry passengers in a moving trailer.


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Car Test 5

6.How much room do cyclists require on either side of themselves as an adequate safety zone?

Correct! Wrong!

Ensure you share the road with all vehicles, including cyclists. If the lane is too narrow to share change lanes.


Car Test 5

7.At an intersection with a stop sign, where do you stop your vehicle if there is no stop line, sidewalk or crosswalk?

Correct! Wrong!

If there is no stop line, you must stop at the crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk, you must stop at the edge of the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, you must stop at the edge of the intersection.


Car Test 5

8.How much time do you have to surrender your license, vehicle permit and insurance when asked by a police officer?

Correct! Wrong!

Contrary to popular belief, you do not have 24 hours to present these documents. If you fail to obey a police officer's direction to pull over, you risk being fined (up to $25,000), having your license suspended or even serving time in jail.


Car Test 5

9.How far away must headlights and rear lights be seen?

Correct! Wrong!

You must also have your rear license plate illuminated with white lighting when headlights are on. Ensure headlights are on 1/2 an hour before sunset and leave them on for 1/2 an hour after suns


Car Test 5

10.Why must you use signals when turning?

Correct! Wrong!

Failure to use proper signals can result in a fine and demerit points. Always signal to inform others of your intention and follow all rules for turning.


Car Test 5

11.Drivers must share the road with others, including passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, pedestrians, motorcycles, farm machinery, cyclists and buses.

Correct! Wrong!

You must share the road with all vehicles and pedestrians. Failing to do so can result in a fine and demerit points.


Car Test 5

12.What can happen if you refuse a police roadside blood alcohol screening test?

Correct! Wrong!

You must participate in a screening test. If you refuse a test you will be charged with failing to provide a breath sample and the conviction is the same as for impaired driving.


Car Test 5

13.When and how often do you have to renew your driver's license?

Correct! Wrong!

If you do not receive a renewal application or renewal postcard in the mail you are still responsible for ensuring you have a valid driver's license that has not expired.


Car Test 5

14.It is illegal to not stop behind a stopped school bus with flashing lights. If you do not stop what can happen?

Correct! Wrong!

School bus drivers and other witnesses can report vehicles that have illegally passed a school bus. Failure to pay any imposed fines means you won't be able to renew your vehicle permit.


Car Test 5

15.When using your high beam lights, when do you have to switch to low beam lights?

Correct! Wrong!

If following within 60 meters of another vehicle switch to low beams until you pass.


Car Test 5

16.When can you remove your seatbelt while driving?

Correct! Wrong!

To see properly when backing up you can remove your seatbelt to turn your body. Remember to put it back on as soon as you move forward.


Car Test 5

17.Given that vehicle tires are critical for safety, what are the minimum standards they must meet?

Correct! Wrong!

It is important to become familiar with your particular vehicles tire requirements because factors like the vehicle weight and make will impact the kind of tires your vehicles requires. This information can be found in the owners manual.


Car Test 5

18.Your child is ready for a booster seat when:

Correct! Wrong!

Booster seats provide 60% more protection than seatbelts alone and are primarily used for pre-school and primary grade-aged children who are 18-36 kg (40-80 lbs), younger than 8 years of age and less than 145 cm (4 feet, 9 inches) tall.


Car Test 5

19.What does the law state about seatbelts and children 9-18 kg (20-40lbs)?

Correct! Wrong!

A child's weight and/or age determine what type of car seat is required. It is important that all child car seats meet safety standards and are properly secured.


Car Test 5

20.Which of the following situations may result in a court ordered driving suspension?

Correct! Wrong!

You need to abide by all safety measures affecting you, others and your vehicle. Driving while under suspension will result in expensive fines, possible jail time and vehicle impoundment.


Car Test 5

21.Which of the following statements is false?

Correct! Wrong!

There are licence laws that every Canadian driver must follow or face a fine.


Car Test 5

22.When do you stop for school buses if there is a median?

Correct! Wrong!

School buses also have flashing stop signs that swing out from the driver's side, notifying vehicles to stop. Stay back the required distance.


Car Test 5

23.What are the seat belt rules for infants less than 9 kg (20 lbs)?

Correct! Wrong!

If the infant is less than 9kg (20 lbs) they must be in a rear-facing, securely attached child car seat. Never put a rear-facing child car seat in a seat with an active airbag. Children heavier than 9kg (20lbs) may remain in a rear-facing child car seat if it is designed to accommodate the child's height and weight.


Car Test 5

24.At a pedestrian crossing, you should not pass cars within how many meters from the crossing?

Correct! Wrong!

Passing another vehicle too close to a pedestrian crossing could prevent you or another driver from seeing pedestrians.


Car Test 5

25.If there is no median, how far in front and behind a school bus are you required to stop when its lights are flashing?

Correct! Wrong!

After stopping only proceed when the bus lights have stopped flashing or the bus has moved.


Car Test 5

26.You could receive 2 demerit points if you:

Correct! Wrong!

Failing to stop for a police officer will merit 7 demerit points while engaging in reckless driving or exceeding the speed limit by 50 km/h will give you 6 demerit points. All of these will stay on your record for 2 years.


Car Test 5

27.What one of the following is an essential parking rule?

Correct! Wrong!

Always watch for pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles when opening your door. Do not park near a crosswalk, a curve, an intersection or within 3 m of a fire hydrant. Do not block sidewalks, other parked vehicles or roadways when parking your vehicle.


Car Test 5

28.What must you do when you come to a railway crossing with a mechanical or electrical signal device?

Correct! Wrong!

You may only cross the railway tracks when the lights stop flashing (or the mechanical indicator stops) and the gates rise. You must stop at least 5 meters behind the nearest barrier, gate or rail.


Car Test 5

29.What is the min number of passengers that the HOV or High Occupancy Vehicle lanes are reserved?

Correct! Wrong!

Some roadways will indicate a different minimum number of vehicle occupants to qualify for being in an HOV lane. You must comply with the minimum number of occupants required to avoid getting a fine and demerit points.


Car Test 5

30.What is the right way to check your vehicle's blind spots?

Correct! Wrong!

Mirrors should be adjusted to give the best rear view possible, but they typically cannot completely eliminate blind spots. A proper over the shoulder check on each side is the right way to check your vehicles blind spots.


Car Test 5

31.What is the correct way to make a left turn from a two way road onto a one way road with two lanes?

Correct! Wrong!

Always signal in advance, check all directions and then proceed slowly making a smooth arc.


Car Test 5

32.What is the purpose of climbing or passing lanes?

Correct! Wrong!

Advanced notice of climbing or passing lanes is given so that slower vehicles can move into the right lane to allow faster vehicles to pass by. Notice of climbing or passing lanes ending will also be given, and traffic is expected to safely merge once the climbing or passing lane ends.


Car Test 5

33.What should you do when approaching an intersection on a main road which is blocked with traffic?

Correct! Wrong!

Only proceed after stopping and when the way is clear. Do not allow yourself to be stuck in the intersection as the light turns red.


Car Test 5

34.How far must you be able to see in both directions if you want to make a U-turn?

Correct! Wrong!

It is illegal to make a U-turn on a hill, bridge, railway crossing, curve, in a tunnel or anywhere you do not have a clear view of the road (both ways) of at least 150 m.


Car Test 5

35.How much space should there be between your vehicle and any vehicle you are following?

Correct! Wrong!

Whenever you are following another vehicle, you need enough space between the two vehicles to stop safely if the other vehicle brakes suddenly. A safe distance is at least two seconds behind the vehicle in front of you. In less than ideal driving conditions, add more time/space.


Car Test 5

36.You are involved in an accident where the damages are less than $1,000 and no one is injured, what should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

If the damages are less than $1,000 and no one is hurt, you should allow other traffic to move freely by moving driverable vehicles off the road. Ensure you exchange information with the driver and contact your insurance company as soon as possible if you intend to make a claim.


Car Test 5

37.You are involved in an accident where the damages are more than $1,000 but no one is injured, what should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

You should give police information about the vehicles involved and damage incurred, as well as witness contact information. Try to provide as much information as possible.


Car Test 5

38.When exiting a freeway, what should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

As you move toward the exit ramp, be sure to check your blind spots and mirrors for potential dangers. Pay special attention to your speed as you have become used to traveling at a much higher speed while on the freeway.


Car Test 5

39.Unless otherwise posted in villages, towns, cities and other built up areas, the maximum speed limit is?

Correct! Wrong!

Where there are no posted speed limits, the maximum speed is 50 km/h in cities, towns and villages, and 80 km/h elsewhere. Construction zones and school zones typically have lower speed limits to protect those who work on the roads and children.


Car Test 5

40.When you enter a freeway, what should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

As you move along the entrance ramp, be sure to check your blind spots and mirrors for potential dangers.


Car Test 5

41.Who has the right of way if three vehicles arrive at an intersection with an all-way stop sign?

Correct! Wrong!

Drivers should always yield the right-of-way to the vehicle who arrives at the stop sign first.


Car Test 5

42.What does it mean when you are at a red light but there is a green arrow pointing left?

Correct! Wrong!

When there is a red light but there is a green arrow pointing left, cars travelling in both directions may be turning left. When the arrow turns yellow, it means that you should stop if you can safely do so - if not, you should cautiously complete your turn.


Car Test 5

43.Why is it a bad idea to turn your steering wheel to the left prior to turning when waiting to make a left turn at an intersection?

Correct! Wrong!

You should only turn your steering wheel when you can safely make the turn.


Car Test 5

44.What is the correct way to make a LEFT turn from a two-way road onto another two-way road?

Correct! Wrong!

Unless otherwise posted left turns are made from the far left lane. Signal, check all directions and ensure the way is clear. After turning move into the right curb lane when it is clear to do so.


Car Test 5

45.What should you do if you are parking uphill next to a curb?

Correct! Wrong!

For maximum safety, in addition to turning your tires to the left, you must also set the parking brake.


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