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Backing up

1.What should you do before backing up your vehicle?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

2.When backing up straight or to the right, which direction should you look over your shoulder?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

3.What is a three-point turn?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

4.When performing a three-point turn, when should you check traffic in both directions?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

5.What should you do when returning to normal traffic speed after a three-point turn?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

6.What should you do before slowing down when preparing for a three-point turn on a dead-end street?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

7.Which direction should you turn on your signal when preparing for a three-point turn on a dead-end street?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

8.When performing a three-point turn on a dead-end street, where should you stop in relation to the curb?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

9. What's the primary purpose of a three-point turn when driving in areas with limited space?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

10.What is the recommended speed control when returning to normal traffic after a three-point turn?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

11. What should you check for when turning around during a three-point turn?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

12. In a three-point turn situation, when should you use your left signal?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Backing up

13.Which signal should you use when slowing down to prepare for a three-point turn?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

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0 Incorrect

  • Passing Score 80%