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Transit Buses and constructed zones

1.What is a common cause of collisions involving transit buses?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

2. What are the blind spot dimensions on the right side of a 12.2-meter transit bus?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

3. When should you be particularly aware of transit buses at certain intersections?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

4. How are construction zones typically marked?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

5.Why are some stop lines at intersections set back farther than usual from the crosswalk?

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0 /45

Transit Buses and constructed zones

6.What should drivers avoid doing when driving near a transit bus with standing passengers?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

7.Why are some intersections designed to accommodate large vehicles like transit buses?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

8. What is the primary concern when driving near a transit bus with standing passengers?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

9.What is the purpose of accommodating large vehicles like transit buses at intersections?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

10.What should you do when driving through a construction zone?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

11.How should you respond to the presence of construction workers near the roadway?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

12. What may indicate the beginning and end of a construction zone?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

13.What happens to fines for speeding in a designated construction zone?

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Transit Buses and constructed zones

14.What are the potential consequences of failing to use caution or exceeding the speed limit in a construction zone?

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