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Motorcycle Test 7

1.When starting on a hill, you should initially hold the motorcycle with...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

2.Where will you normally find the gearshift lever on a motorcycle?

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Motorcycle Test 7

3.You are upright and moving a straight line when your rear wheel locks under emergency braking. What should you do?

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Motorcycle Test 7

4.As your motorcycle leans in a turn, you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

5.You are approaching an intersection where you have right of way. You should...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

6.What percentage of the stopping power of your motorcycle is provided by the front brake?

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Motorcycle Test 7

7.You find yourself riding alongside a large truck. Which of these is not a sensible safety maneuver?

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Motorcycle Test 7

8.Posted speed limits indicate...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

9.Apart from using the brakes, what else can help you slow down?

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Motorcycle Test 7

10.Ideally, when approaching a turn you should shift gears...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

11.You are approaching an intersection with a car waiting to join from your left. The driver looks directly at you. You should assume...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

12.If you want to turn left at speeds of more than 20kmh, what should you do?

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Motorcycle Test 7

13.Which of these is the only sure way to protect your eyes when motorcycling?

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Motorcycle Test 7

14.If you have to brake in a turn, what should you try and do first?

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Motorcycle Test 7

15.If the vehicle behind you is following you too closely, what should you do to your following distance to the vehicle in front?

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Motorcycle Test 7

16.If your eye protection is struck by a flying object like an insect or messy debris from cars, you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

17.You are riding on a clear road at night. Your speed should be...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

18.When carrying a passenger, your following distance should be...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

19.You can lighten your front wheel just before you ride over an object in the road by doing what?

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Motorcycle Test 7

20.If the rear of your motorcycle starts swaying side to side, you should suspect...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

21.When do the rules of the road for car drivers not apply to motorcyclists?

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Motorcycle Test 7

22.At which of these places should you never make a pass?

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Motorcycle Test 7

23.Under what circumstances is it legal to exceed the speed limit when making a pass?

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Motorcycle Test 7

24.Inexperienced riders in a group should be positioned where?

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Motorcycle Test 7

25.You and 8 friends are going for a group ride. How many groups should you make?

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Motorcycle Test 7

26.What is the first thing you should operate if you are dealing with a stuck throttle?

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Motorcycle Test 7

27.Where are you most likely to find deposits of oil and grease from other vehicles?

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Motorcycle Test 7

28.The pace of a group ride should be set by...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

29.When riding, it is most important to be aware of what is happening...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

30.If you cross a metal grating and your motorcycle starts to weave slightly, what should you do?

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Motorcycle Test 7

31.If you start to experience wobble at high speed, you should avoid...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

32.If your front wheel locks, what should you do?

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Motorcycle Test 7

33.In a group riding situation, what should your following distance be to the rider directly in front of you?

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Motorcycle Test 7

34.Without affecting your position, a passenger should sit...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

35.When riding at night, you should always be able to brake...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

36.The key to riding safely across slippery surfaces such as painted lane markings or ice is to ride...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

37.Who is legally responsible for the safety of a motorcycle passenger?

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Motorcycle Test 7

38.Under what circumstances is it acceptable to ride side-by-side with another motorcycle?

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Motorcycle Test 7

39.If you are riding and you start to feel sleepy, you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

40.The best way to make sure hazards do not become accidents is...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

41.Carrying a passenger will affect...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

42.In really poor weather conditions, your best option is...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

43.If you are approaching railroad tracks that cross your path at an angle, the best thing to do is...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

44.A passenger should be wearing, as a minimum...?

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Motorcycle Test 7

45.You should tell a passenger they should never mount or dismount...?

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  • Passing Score 80%