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Vehicle Equipment

1.What is the minimum distance required for passenger vehicles to stop when applying brakes at 30 km/h, according to the information provided?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

2.How often should vehicles be thoroughly checked for safety, according to the provided information?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

3.What can a police officer order you to do if your vehicle has defective equipment?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

4.Which equipment must be in safe working condition according to the provided information?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

5.When should headlights be switched on for motor vehicles?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

6.What is the purpose of daytime running lights for vehicles manufactured after Dec 1, 1989?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

7.Which vehicles are not required to be equipped with signal lights, according to the information provided?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

8.When are studded tires illegal according to the provided information?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

9.What should be done with a tire that has deep cuts, cracks, blisters, or bulges?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

10.What is the purpose of outside mirrors on vehicles like vans, buses, and trucks?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

11.How far must a horn be heard for it to meet legal requirements?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

12.When must a vehicle be capable of keeping the windshield and windows free from frost according to the provided information?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

13.What does a speedometer and odometer in a motor vehicle measure?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

Vehicle Equipment

14.What must a muffler in a motor vehicle be capable of preventing according to the information provided?

Correct! Wrong!

0 /45

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0 Incorrect

  • Passing Score 80%