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Car Test 16

1.When entering a freeway you should

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Car Test 16

2.The driver of a motor vehicle is not permitted to carry, in a house or boat trailer

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Car Test 16

3.A flashing yellow beacon above an intersection:

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Car Test 16

4.What you cannot see in your vehicle rear and side view mirrors is said to be in your

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Car Test 16

5.On a roadway where traffic is moving in both directions, in what position must you be before making a left turn?

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Car Test 16

6.If your vehicle becomes disabled on highway, you should:

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Car Test 16

7.When the traffic signal light facing you is red and you intend to go straight through the intersection, what must you do first?

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Car Test 16

8.Under all conditions you should drive at a speed that will allow you to:

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Car Test 16

9.When on streets designed for two-way traffic, if you hear the siren of an emergency vehicle, what does the law require you to do?

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Car Test 16

10.Most skids are the result of driver error. Skids may occur when you: (Choose 3)

Please select 3 correct answers

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Car Test 16

11.Upon approaching a stop sign, what does the law require you to do before entering an intersection?

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Car Test 16

12.Which of the following has the right-of-way over all others at an intersection when the light is green?

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Car Test 16

13.If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still on the street, which of the following has the right-of-way?

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Car Test 16

14.A red signal light with a green arrow is shown at an intersection indicates:

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Car Test 16

15.A flashing green light at the intersection where turns to the left and right are permitted indicates? (Choose 3)

Please select 3 correct answers

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Car Test 16

16.How many demerit points will you receive for failing to report an accident?

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Car Test 16

17.In what position on the roadway must you be before marking a left turn from a one-way traffic street?

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Car Test 16

18.The best way to stop quickly on a wet or icy roadway is to:

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Car Test 16

19.In what lane of traffic should you drive when you intend to make a right-hand turn?

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Car Test 16

20.What one of the following is an essential parking rule?

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Car Test 16

21.During poor weather conditions such as rain, snow, smoke and fog, use your headlights on

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Car Test 16

22.If a tire blows out:

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Car Test 16

23.The most important part of driving a curve or corner is to:

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Car Test 16

24.When a right turn against a red signal light is permitted, what does the law require you to do before entering the intersection and making a turn?

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Car Test 16

25.When parking facing downhill:

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Car Test 16

26.Never change lanes without:

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Car Test 16

27.When may you lend your driver's license?

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Car Test 16

28.On approaching an intersection where a traffic signal light is red and a policeman motions you to go through, you should:

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Car Test 16

29.A solid line at the left of your lane means:

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Car Test 16

30.Before moving from a parked position:

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Car Test 16

31.When deciding to make a U turn, your first consideration should be to check:

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Car Test 16

32.You should use low beam headlights when driving a vehicle at night when:

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Car Test 16

33.What must a driver do before entering a highway from a private road or driveway?

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Car Test 16

34.Upon approaching a Yield sign, what does the law require you to do?

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Car Test 16

35.If two vehicles arrive at an uncontrolled intersection at approximately the same time, the right-of-way should be given to:

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Car Test 16

36.Why must you use signals when turning?

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Car Test 16

37.The safest place in a car to position any infant or child restraint system is in the:

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Car Test 16

38.If the signal light changes from green to amber as you approach an intersection, what should you do?

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Car Test 16

39.When it is safe to do so, passing other vehicles on right side

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Car Test 16

40.Unless you want to turn left or pass another vehicle, you should:

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Car Test 16

41.A broken line at the left of your lane means:

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Car Test 16

42.It is more dangerous to drive at the maximum speed limit at night than during day time because:

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Car Test 16

43.What should you do when a car is stopped at a marked crosswalk to allow a pedestrian to cross?

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Car Test 16

44.The hand-and-arm signal for slowing or stopping is indicated by:

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Car Test 16

45.Hydroplaning can cause your vehicle to skid. The term "hydroplaning" means:

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