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Motorcycle Test 5

1.What is the best way of protecting your eyes and face while riding?

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Motorcycle Test 5

2.When buying your motorcycle gear, what should be the priority item, where you should buy the best you can afford?

Correct! Wrong!

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Motorcycle Test 5

3.What’s the best way to deal with pedestrians and people in wheelchairs wanting to cross the road ahead?

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Motorcycle Test 5

4.When you’re approaching a green light, which of these should you not do?

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Motorcycle Test 5

5.If your motorcycle starts fine but soon stalls for no obvious reason, what is the first thing you should check?

Correct! Wrong!

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Motorcycle Test 5

6.What is the most important consideration for the smart rider?

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Motorcycle Test 5

7.What would you use your tachometer to monitor?

Correct! Wrong!

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Motorcycle Test 5

8.Which of these materials is not suitable for motorcycle clothing?

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Motorcycle Test 5

9.What will make you safest when faced with a road sign?

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Motorcycle Test 5

10.What’s the best way of making sure you arrive at your destination on time?

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Motorcycle Test 5

11.How can you find out whether or not a used helmet has been in a crash?

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Motorcycle Test 5

12.According to the US Department of Transportation, how much more likely are you to be killed in an accident as a motorcyclist than as a car driver?

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Motorcycle Test 5

13.Which of these is the most common cause of motorcycle crashes in Prince Edward Island?

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Motorcycle Test 5

14.Why should you not wear high-heeled boots when riding?

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Motorcycle Test 5

15.When riding, what percentage of information about your environment do you take in through your eyes?

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Motorcycle Test 5

16.When starting your motorcycle from cold, what position should your choke/enricher be in?

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Motorcycle Test 5

17.You’re riding with two friends and they start to reach a speed you’re not comfortable with. What’s your best option?

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Motorcycle Test 5

18.When can you afford not to wear your motorcycle jacket?

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Motorcycle Test 5

19.Your motorcycle will most likely have convex mirrors to give you a wider field of view. What effect will these mirrors also have?

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Motorcycle Test 5

20.What's the most effective way of making sure other road users can see you?

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Motorcycle Test 5

21.Which of these should be given priority in your budget for motorcycling?

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Motorcycle Test 5

22.After passing your skills test, what should you do next?

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Motorcycle Test 5

23.What is the most important thing you should ensure before pressing the starter?

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Motorcycle Test 5

24.You reach a traffic circle at the same time as another vehicle. Who should yield?

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Motorcycle Test 5

25.You have arrived at an intersection first, but a car driver has taken your right of way. Should you:

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Motorcycle Test 5

26.You have arrived at an intersection first, but a car driver has taken your right of way. Should you:

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Motorcycle Test 5

27.If you’re making a right turn from a single lane at an intersection, where should you position yourself in your lane?

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Motorcycle Test 5

28.How far ahead should you monitor the road?

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Motorcycle Test 5

29.How often should you undertake a basic pre-trip inspection of your motorcycle?

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Motorcycle Test 5

30.When changing lanes, what should you do to monitor vehicles behind you?

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Motorcycle Test 5

31.To brake correctly, motorcyclists must:

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Motorcycle Test 5

32.Which of the following is essential at all times for all motorcycle riders?

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Motorcycle Test 5

33.Carrying a passenger requires:

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Motorcycle Test 5

34.Threshold braking helps when:

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Motorcycle Test 5

35.What is the minimum depth of tire tread you should have on your motorcycle tires?

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Motorcycle Test 5

36.With a class 6L license, the maximum allowed driving speed limit is:

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Motorcycle Test 5

37.Which of the following must be with a motorcyclist at all times while driving?

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Motorcycle Test 5

38.The reinstatement of a license after a serious drinking and driving conviction will include:

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Motorcycle Test 5

39.Sand and gravel tend to collect and make for dangerous driving:

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Motorcycle Test 5

40.The following actions are considered against the law when riding a motorcycle.

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Motorcycle Test 5

41.How should your feet be when on a motorcycle?

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Motorcycle Test 5

42.How often should motorcyclists check their mirrors?

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Motorcycle Test 5

43.When turning left or right, the best blocking position would be:

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Motorcycle Test 5

44.A vehicle is passing you from the left on a freeway. What do you do?

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Motorcycle Test 5

45.What is the solution to a sudden engine lock?

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  • Passing Score 80%