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Car Test 18

1.If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should:

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0 /45

Car Test 18

2.Some things to be attentive of on the side of the road are:

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0 /45

Car Test 18

3.What is the blocking position?

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0 /45

Car Test 18

4.Collision statistics show that the majority of collisions _____________________.

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Car Test 18

5.When driving in the fog, you should use your:

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0 /45

Car Test 18

6.How many demerit points will be recorded on your license for careless driving?

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0 /45

Car Test 18

7.What documents may a police officer require a motor vehicle owner to produce?(Choose 3)

Please select 3 correct answers

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Car Test 18

8.Under what circumstances may a driver lose their license?

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Car Test 18

9.If you do not tell the truth about your vehicle insurance or if you show false documents...?

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Car Test 18

10.Parking lights should be used…?

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Car Test 18

11.Under what circumstances may you lend your driver's license to another person?

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Car Test 18

12.It is more dangerous to drive at the maximum speed limit at night than during the day because…?

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Car Test 18

13.The fine for not using a child car seat or booster seat as required by law is…?

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Car Test 18

14.Are drivers responsible for their passengers buckling up?

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Car Test 18

15.Rules for both the G1 & G2 license holders include…? (Choose 2)

Please select 2 correct answers

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Car Test 18

16.Fully licensed drivers - You may be required to attend an interview and re-examination of your driving ability if you accumulate…?

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Car Test 18

17.If you are 80 years of age or older, you are required to renew your driver's licence every…?

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Car Test 18

18.Fully licensed driver who talks, texts, types, dials or emails using hand-held cell phones and other hand-held communications and entertainment devices face fines of up to...?

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Car Test 18

19.In Ontario, you must wear a seatbelt…?

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Car Test 18

20.Hydroplaning can cause your vehicle to skid. It is caused by…?

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Car Test 18

21.If you fail or refuse to give a breath or blood sample when asked by police, your license will immediately be suspended for…?

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Car Test 18

22.What should you do if you feel drowsy while driving?

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Car Test 18

23.Road test failures may result from…?

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Car Test 18

24.How many days do new Ontario residents have to register their vehicles?

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Car Test 18

25.What does it mean when you see a flashing red traffic light?

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Car Test 18

26.Can anyone two a trailer with a gross weight of up to 4600 kg?

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Car Test 18

27.When approaching a construction zone, what should you do?

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Car Test 18

28.What should you do if you find yourself in a skid on a slippery road?

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Car Test 18

29.What are you required to do if you have your vehicle painted a different colour?

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Car Test 18

30.If your brakes fail while you are driving, what should you do?

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Car Test 18

31.What does the law state about seatbelts and children 9-18 kg (20-40lbs)?

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Car Test 18

32.What kind of challenges do large commercial vehicles have that can be dangerous to other drivers?

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Car Test 18

33.How long must new drivers hold a Class G1 licence before their G1 road test?

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Car Test 18

34.Given that vehicle tires are critical for safety, what are the minimum standards they must meet?

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Car Test 18

35.How much time do you have to surrender your licence, vehicle permit and insurance when asked by a police officer?

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Car Test 18

36.When can you remove your seatbelt while driving?

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Car Test 18

37.When using your high beam lights, when do you have to switch to low beam lights?

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Car Test 18

38.Why is it a bad idea to turn your steering wheel to the left prior to turning when waiting to make a left turn at an intersection?

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Car Test 18

39.Under what conditions can you face impaired driving charges or have your driving licence suspended?

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Car Test 18

40.Who has the right-of-way if two vehicles come to an uncontrolled intersection at the same time?

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Car Test 18

41.Unless otherwise posted in villages, towns, cities and other built up areas, the maximum speed limit is?

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Car Test 18

42.What one of the following is an essential parking rule?

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Car Test 18

43.What is the right way to check your vehicle's blind spots?

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Car Test 18

44.Can you make a right turn on a red light?

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Car Test 18

45.How much space should there be between your vehicle and any vehicle you are following?

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  • Passing Score 80%