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School Buses

1.When a school bus displays flashing overhead amber lights, what should drivers do?

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School Buses

2.When is it illegal to pass a school bus displaying flashing red lights and a stop arm extended?

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Unlock our premium plan to succeed in the SAAQ written exam. Our premium tests are expertly crafted and cover all the topics on road rules, ensuring a guaranteed pass.

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School Buses

3.How far away from a school bus with flashing red lights and a stop arm extended should you stop?

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School Buses

4.In which situation are you NOT required to stop for a school bus with flashing red lights and a stop arm extended?

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School Buses

5.What is the consequence of illegally passing a school bus according to the information provided?

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School Buses

6.When should you slow down and proceed with caution when passing a stopped emergency vehicle or designated vehicle with activated warning lights?

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School Buses

7.What should you do when passing a stopped emergency vehicle or designated vehicle on a road with multiple lanes in the same direction?

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School Buses

8.When should you slow down and prepare to stop near a school bus displaying flashing amber lights?

Correct! Wrong!


School Buses

9.What should drivers do when passing a school bus with flashing amber lights?

Correct! Wrong!


School Buses

10.When passing a school bus with flashing red lights and a stop arm extended, what should drivers do after the lights are turned off and the stop arm is folded in?

Correct! Wrong!


School Buses

11.What happens if you illegally pass a school bus with flashing red lights and a stop arm extended, and you are caught?

Correct! Wrong!


School Buses

12.What should drivers do when approaching a school bus that has stopped with flashing red lights and a stop arm extended on the opposite side of a divided road?

Correct! Wrong!


School Buses

13.In what situation are drivers NOT required to stop for a school bus with flashing red lights and a stop arm extended?

Correct! Wrong!


School Buses

14.What is the primary responsibility of drivers when they are near a school bus?

Correct! Wrong!


School Buses

15.What is the purpose of the school bus flashing overhead amber lights according to the information provided?

Correct! Wrong!


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