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Car Test 2

Car Test 2

1.When exiting a parking spot in heavy snow, which way should you turn your wheels?

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Car Test 2

2.Why is it a bad idea to turn your steering wheel to the left while waiting to make a left turn at an intersection?

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Car Test 2

3.What is the safest action to take if you drive over black ice?

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Car Test 2

4.When approaching an intersection where the traffic lights are not working, you should

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Car Test 2

5.If you have a G1 license, what are you not allowed to do?

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Car Test 2

6.If you see a potential hazard ahead, you should:

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Car Test 2

7.If your vehicle begins to skid on black ice, you should:

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Car Test 2

8.If you accumulate 9 or more demerit points within a 2 year period as a G1 or G2 driver, your license is suspended for:

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Car Test 2

9.The best way to stop quickly on a wet or icy roadway is to:

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Car Test 2

10.You drive defensively when you:

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Car Test 2

11.On wet roads, you may encounter:

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Car Test 2

12.If you are convicted of drinking and driving, you will lose your driver\'s license on the first offence for a minimum of:

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Car Test 2

13.If you come to an intersection where you must stop with no traffic light, stop line, crosswalk or sidewalk, where are you required to stop?

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Car Test 2

14.When backing up, you should:

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Car Test 2

15.Vehicles may not drive on the shoulder of a public highway

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Car Test 2

16.Whether or not you load and secure your load yourself, you are responsible for:

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Car Test 2

17.What should you do when visibility conditions are poor?

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Car Test 2

18.If your brakes fail, you should

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Car Test 2

19.Cold weather will:

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Car Test 2

20.A yellow light at a traffic light means:

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Car Test 2

21.Shifting should be done before a curve because:

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Car Test 2

22.Is it legal to pass a vehicle on the right?

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Car Test 2

23.When turning left on a red light, what are you required to do before entering the intersection and making a turn?

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Car Test 2

24.If you are convicted of drinking and driving, you will lose your driver\'s license on the first offence for a minimum of:

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Car Test 2

25.If the oil and water collect in the air tanks what can happen to the brakes?

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Car Test 2

26.How can driver distractions be minimized?

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Car Test 2

27.If you are in an accident where there are no personal injuries and there is less than $2000 in damage, what are you required to do?

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Car Test 2

28.When you see a flashing yellow arrow traffic signal, you should:

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Car Test 2

29.How do you test hydraulic brakes for leaks?

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Car Test 2

30.If you picture the steering wheel as a clock, where should you place your hands?

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Car Test 2

31.What is the minimum distance you should stop from a railroad crossing?

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Car Test 2

32.When driving 50km/h, a safe distance to follow the vehicle ahead of you is:

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Car Test 2

33.What should you do when visibility conditions are poor?

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Car Test 2

34.When you approach a bus that has flashing red lights, you are required to:

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Car Test 2

35.It is illegal to follow an on-duty fire vehicle or ambulance traveling in the same direction:

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Car Test 2

36.On a two-way road, what position must you be in to make a left turn?

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Car Test 2

37.When you see a flashing yellow arrow traffic signal, you should:

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Car Test 2

38.Being positioned in the center of the lane is a bad choice because:

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Car Test 2

39.Which of the following has the right-of-way over all others at an intersection when the light is green?

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Car Test 2

40.DWI stands for:

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Car Test 2

41.What does overdriving your headlights mean?

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Car Test 2

42.The service brake applies and releases:

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Car Test 2

43.Each air brake chamber style, size and type has a specific:

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Car Test 2

44.Accidents must be reported to the police when there is:

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Car Test 2

45.If the speed limit is it not posted in a city, town, village or a built-up area, what is the speed limit?

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  • Passing Score 80%