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Truck Test 1

Truck Test 1

1.How many feet is it preferable to park away from an intersection?

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Truck Test 1

2.Subsequent medical examinations will be required every _____ years for drivers 18-45 years of age?

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Truck Test 1

3.The following items may be ignored when assessing your speed?

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Truck Test 1

4.What is the mandatory colour for clearance lamps on the front of a trailer?

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Truck Test 1

5.All commercial vehicle tires must be inspected every?

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Truck Test 1

6.An inspection certificate and decal for a truck are valid from the date of inspection for?

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Truck Test 1

7.The maximum height of a vehicle without a permit is?

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Truck Test 1

8.How often must checks be completed on lashing ropes?

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Truck Test 1

9.The danger zone of any vehicle can be described as?

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Truck Test 1

10.Who can complete your Class 1-4 medical standards examination?

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Truck Test 1

11.What percentage do most manufactures recommend of governed engine speed for normal operation?

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Truck Test 1

12.Tire diameters should be within how many millimetres of each other on each set of duals?

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Truck Test 1

13.A motorcycle's size makes it appear?

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Truck Test 1

14.When another driver is passing you, you should?

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Truck Test 1

15.Trailers weighing over ________ must be equipped with what brakes?

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Truck Test 1

16.In Canada, a driver can drive a commercial vehicle under National Safety Code for how many hours a day?

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Truck Test 1

17.For dangerous downgrades gears should be?

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Truck Test 1

18.What vehicles require mirrors that extend beyond the extreme portion of the load?

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Truck Test 1

19.The driver of a truck equipped with a retarder system must be familiar with the _______ recommended use of the retarder?

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Truck Test 1

20.A freight transporter shall at the time of acceptance of each shipment issue a?

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Truck Test 1

21.A single vehicle must not exceed _______ meters in length?

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Truck Test 1

22.What can result in whipping or jackknifes?

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Truck Test 1

23.During night hours, what color light must be at the extreme rear of an overhang?

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Truck Test 1

24.If you drive a taxi, ambulance, police vehicle, or van, you should maintain a ____ second following distance?

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Truck Test 1

25.A class 1 license allows the license holder to operate?

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Truck Test 1

26.Stopping on an icy road surface will require you to?

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Truck Test 1

27.What tire should never be bled down?

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Truck Test 1

28.Traveling in a caravan is?

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Truck Test 1

29.Before coupling a semi-trailer, you should?

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Truck Test 1

30.In Canada, it is a ________ offense to drive while under the influence of alcohol and or drugs?

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Truck Test 1

31.If a truck inspection station is open, trucks must?

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Truck Test 1

32.The term gross weight is best defined as?

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Truck Test 1

33.A driver is required to inspect his or her vehicle every?

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Truck Test 1

34.How many mile radius may a driver operate and be exempt from carrying a daily log?

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Truck Test 1

35.A daily log must document how many previous days?

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Truck Test 1

36.Owners must have a licensed motor-vehicle inspector inspect each vehicle and trailer every?

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Truck Test 1

37.Inspections may be done on a highway at?

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Truck Test 1

38.When applying your brakes under normal conditions, how should you use the brake pedal?

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Truck Test 1

39.You are driving a school bus. After you load your passengers, the weight of the school bus is doubled. If, after loading, you also double your speed, what effect do both those changes (doubled weight and doubled speed) have on your stopping power? In other words, how much more stopping power will be required after those two changes?

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Truck Test 1

40.How far back from a stationary school bus should drivers stop?

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Truck Test 1

41.You approach a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk. You cannot see anyone in the crosswalk. You should?

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Truck Test 1

42.Regardless of what direction you are approaching a school bus from, you must stop?

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Truck Test 1

43.A driver should be prepared to stop for a school bus at what time?

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Truck Test 1

44.Before descending a grade, a driver should?

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  • Passing Score 80%