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Motorcycle Test 2

Motorcycle Test 2

1.How much of the information you need for driving is provided for you by your eyes?

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Motorcycle Test 2

2.At 100 km/h, your field of vision is reduced by approximately...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

3.The best way to let other road users know you are about to slow down is to...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

4.When you are negotiating a left-hand curve, your path of travel should be...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

5.If you have an anti-lock braking system on your motorcycle, it will reduce your stopping distance by...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

6.Which of these is not a cause of shimmying or wobbling?

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Motorcycle Test 2

7.If you're travelling in the middle lane of a three-lane highway, your best position will normally be...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

8.Which of these lane positions is best for motorcycling?

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Motorcycle Test 2

9.An engine which is overheated can take how long to cool down?

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Motorcycle Test 2

10.If your chain or belt should break, the first thing to do is...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

11.You see a vehicle behind you in your mirrors and when you look again it's not there. Most likely it has...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

12.If the rear wheel locks and you go into a skid, you should release the rear brake pedal and...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

13.Which of these is not a good way of making yourself more visible to other road users?

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Motorcycle Test 2

14.A vehicle behind is following too closely for you to maintain your desired safety margin. What should you do?

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Motorcycle Test 2

15.In normal riding in perfect conditions with no other reason not to, most motorcyclists choose...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

16.If you're riding in a group, there should be no more than you and how many others?

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Motorcycle Test 2

17.When you're riding with friends, a way of making sure nobody pushes too hard is to...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

18.How should you park your motorcycle in a roadside parking space?

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Motorcycle Test 2

19.If you are travelling at 90 km/h and you take your eyes off the road for four seconds to look at a distraction, how far will you have travelled in that time?

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Motorcycle Test 2

20.You see an emergency vehicle coming up from behind in your mirrors when riding on a single lane highway. You should...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

21.When you join a highway from an on ramp, you should adapt your speed to...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

22.Riding in a group, the gap between rider #2 and rider #4 should be no less than...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

23.A heavy vehicle at an intersection is about to make a right turn, which you also want to make. You should...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

24.It's important that the leader of a group is...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

25.If you have a sleep deficit of 5 hours, this is likely to affect your riding as badly as...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

26.As you turn through an intersection, you should be focusing on...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

27.If you get tired when you're out on the road, you should...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

28.How should you tell the angle at which railway tracks are going to cross your path?

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Motorcycle Test 2

29.When exiting the highway, you should reach the speed indicated for the deceleration lane...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

30.A driver approaching signals that it is safe for you to make your turn. You should...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

31.A driver coming towards you at an intersection is indicating that they will turn left. You can...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

32.Due to the nature of the vehicle, which of these road users will get tired more quickly than the others?

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Motorcycle Test 2

33.Where should you be keeping a special lookout for pedestrians?

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Motorcycle Test 2

34.There are workers ahead of you on a three lane highway by a vehicle with flashing lights. You should...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

35.The last thing you should do before passing a car is...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

36.Which of these is not a good motivation for wanting to learn to ride a motorcycle?

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Motorcycle Test 2

37.If you're riding in a group, the odd-numbered riders should be riding...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

38.When riding down a street where vehicles are parked along the curb, what's usually your safest option in terms of lane position?

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Motorcycle Test 2

39.Which of these groups commit the most traffic offences?

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Motorcycle Test 2

40.Once you have joined the acceleration lane from an on ramp, you should position yourself...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

41.The right third of a lane is best for...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

42.Which of these is the only thing you don't need to do when approaching an intersection?

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Motorcycle Test 2

43.When passing another vehicle, you should use your turn signals...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

44.You should avoid using your horn when approaching...?

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Motorcycle Test 2

45.Which of these is a good way of keeping your emotions in check when faced with heavy traffic?

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