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Motorcycle Test 5

1.You must yield to a public transport bus which is pulling out if:

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Motorcycle Test 5

2.Which of these will not help you be more alert?

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Motorcycle Test 5

3.Why shouldn't you use your high beam headlight in fog or heavy rain?

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Motorcycle Test 5

4.When forced to steer around an unexpected obstacle, which of these should you avoid?

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Motorcycle Test 5

5.What's the best way to alert traffic behind you to the fact that you may have to stop suddenly?

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Motorcycle Test 5

6.In the event of an engine failure, what should be your very first action?

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Motorcycle Test 5

7.It's so foggy you decide to pull off the road. What is the most important thing for you to do?

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Motorcycle Test 5

8.Which of the three basic collision avoidance strategies should be your last choice?

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Motorcycle Test 5

9.When carrying heavy cargo, what's the best place for it?

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Motorcycle Test 5

10.Which of these is the only restriction which changes when you gain your Class 8 Novice license?

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Motorcycle Test 5

11.What's the minimum you should give your motorcycle after a winter's storage?

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Motorcycle Test 5

12.While you are learning to ride, when must you have a qualified supervisor riding with you?

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Motorcycle Test 5

13.If you refuse to give a breath or blood sample when asked, how will you be treated?

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Motorcycle Test 5

14.When braking hard or accelerating:

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Motorcycle Test 5

15.What is the minimum penalty for being caught for the first time with a blood alcohol content over .08?

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Motorcycle Test 5

16.Which of these is it not compulsory for your motorcycle to have for you to be permitted to use it for your skills test?

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Motorcycle Test 5

17.As well as impeding your vision, what else can fog do?

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Motorcycle Test 5

18.What should you do if one of your tires starts to whine or shudder under braking?

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Motorcycle Test 5

19.If you are caught with a blood alcohol content in excess of .08, what is the minimum it will cost you financially?

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Motorcycle Test 5

20.What is the best way to prepare for your Motorcycle Skills Test?

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Motorcycle Test 5

21.You must dim your high beam before you get how close to another vehicle?

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Motorcycle Test 5

22.If you have a motorcycle license from another province, state or country how long can you use it in British Colombia before you must apply for a B.C. license?

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Motorcycle Test 5

23.What should your stopping distance be at night?

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Motorcycle Test 5

24.What should you do to avoid being dazzled by glare from oncoming vehicle lights?

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Motorcycle Test 5

25.Which of these is the only thing ABS brakes will help you with?

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Motorcycle Test 5

26.Which of these is the only restriction which does not apply to riders with a Class 8L learner's license?

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Motorcycle Test 5

27.You suddenly find you're riding over rough gravel. What's your best strategy?

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Motorcycle Test 5

28.How much riding experience do experts suggest you should have under your belt before attempting to carry a passenger on your bike?

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Motorcycle Test 5

29.At what times of day should you be particularly vigilant for animals crossing the road?

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Motorcycle Test 5

30.What is the minimum penalty for being caught for the first time with a blood alcohol content of between .05 and .08?

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Motorcycle Test 5

31.Which of these areas are most likely to develop black ice first?

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Motorcycle Test 5

32.What will indicate that a motorcycle is a good size for you?

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Motorcycle Test 5

33.Which of these is not one of the three basic emergency collision avoidance techniques?

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Motorcycle Test 5

34.At speeds of 15 to 20 km/h, you should turn by:

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Motorcycle Test 5

35.How often to motorcycle accidents result in head and neck injuries?

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Motorcycle Test 5

36.One way to respond to tailgaters is:

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Motorcycle Test 5

37.If you are riding in rain and fog, you should turn on:

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Motorcycle Test 5

38.On a multilane road, the dominant lane position is:

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Motorcycle Test 5

39.The observation cycle is:

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Motorcycle Test 5

40.What is inertia?

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Motorcycle Test 5

41.What should you do if you don’t have enough space to stop?

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Motorcycle Test 5

42.You just got into your car and as you were getting in you noticed a cyclist about 1 block away. What do you do?

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Motorcycle Test 5

43.What’s wrong with tailgating (following too closely behind the vehicle in front)?

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Motorcycle Test 5

44.Use your mirrors and shoulder check whenever you plan to:

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Motorcycle Test 5

45.New riders who have taken a professional training program have what percentage lower crash rate than riders who haven’t?

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  • Passing Score 80%