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Car Test 9

1.What weight must a child be before it is legally permitted to allow them to ride without a booster seat?

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Car Test 9

2.If you are stranded with your vehicle in winter, you should...?

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0 /45

Car Test 9

3.When traveling on the highway you should check for spaces...?

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0 /45

Car Test 9

4.The lap portion of the seatbelt should fit over your...?

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0 /45

Car Test 9

5.A sudden hazard appears in the road ahead of you which you have to drive round. You should look...?

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0 /45

Car Test 9

6.If your wheels on one side drop into a soft shoulder, you should...?

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Car Test 9

7.When backing your vehicle, your left hand should grip the steering wheel at...?

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Car Test 9

8.Wearing a seat belt decreases your chance of being killed or seriously injured in a collision with...?

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Car Test 9

9.You could receive 2 demerit points if you:

Please select 2 correct answers

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Car Test 9

10.Parking uphill on a road with a curb, you should leave your front wheels turned...?

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Car Test 9

11.A driver has passed you but he has made a misjudgment and you see he has not got enough time to complete the pass. What should you do?

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Car Test 9

12.If the label on a drug package warns against operating heavy machinery, you should not...?

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Car Test 9

13.When parking on a road with no curb, whether parking uphill or downhill, your wheels should point...?

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Car Test 9

14.Most driving injuries or deaths occur...?

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Car Test 9

15.It is recommended that children should not be allowed to sit in the front seat of a car until they are at least what age?

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Car Test 9

16.Proper use of child car seats and booster seats reduces risk of death in an accident by...?

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Car Test 9

17.You should make sure that you are at least how far from the driver's airbag when seated in your driving position?

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Car Test 9

18.When you're driving in the city, you should be able to recognize hazards...?

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Car Test 9

19.An ambulance is approaching you from behind with its siren on. You should...?

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Car Test 9

20.Turning left at an intersection in ideal conditions, it will take you how long to turn left and get your speed up to 50 km/h?

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Car Test 9

21.You should always make a shoulder check...?

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Car Test 9

22.Parking facing downhill with a standard transmission, you should leave the vehicle in...?

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Car Test 9

23.You are giving a friend a lift and s/he doesn't put a seatbelt on. What's your response?

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Car Test 9

24.You can become impaired for driving through taking which of these?

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Car Test 9

25.If your car has convex mirrors, it makes objects look...?

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Car Test 9

26.A child must be placed in a rear facing, backseat car seat until they are at least one year old and weigh more than...?

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Car Test 9

27.At least every eight seconds, you should check in...?

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Car Test 9

28.When driving you should the operating a cycle of observation all round you which should be repeated at least every...?

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Car Test 9

29.The best time to check tire pressures is...?

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Car Test 9

30.On Yukon highways, if you do not have automatic daytime running lights, you must...?

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Car Test 9

31.In which of these situations should you not use cruise control?

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Car Test 9

32.The odometer on your dashboard shows you...?

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Car Test 9

33.You intend to leave a roundabout at the third exit, you should...?

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Car Test 9

34.Who must pull out of the way of an emergency vehicle with lights flashing and/or siren on?

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Car Test 9

35.Whether you have a manual or automatic transmission, your right foot should...?

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Car Test 9

36.At intersections, you should use your signals when you want to...?

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Car Test 9

37.You are approaching an intersection controlled by traffic lights which have obviously stopped working properly. You should treat the intersection as if...?

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Car Test 9

38.When driving on the highway, you should choose the lane which allows you to go where you want to go and...?

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Car Test 9

39.When you are following a fire truck with lights and/or siren on, you should not get closer than...?

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Car Test 9

40.You are driving on a three lane highway at exactly the speed limit. All lanes have light traffic. Which lane should you choose?

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Car Test 9

41.If you transgress traffic laws in a construction zone, the fine you will pay will be...?

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Car Test 9

42.Which of these should you avoid when in control of your vehicle?

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Car Test 9

43.An emergency vehicle with flashing lights and sirens approaches you from behind as you are on a roundabout. You should...?

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Car Test 9

44.If two vehicles arrive at an uncontrolled intersection at the same time, which should yield?

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Car Test 9

45.Waiting to turn left at an intersection, your wheels should be pointing...?

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  • Passing Score 80%